Madix Gondola Shelving Calculator

Custom Madix Gondola Shelving Configuration and Pricing On-Demand!
Choose your custom Madix shelving configuration below and let our Gondola Shelving Calculator show you precisely what you need to create your specific shelving run.
To make certain you're getting every gondola component you need, our shelving calculator only displays an Add To Cart button when all your menu choices can be combined to produce at least one complete run of gondola shelves. If you don't see the Add To Cart button, please check your choices to make certain you didn't miss completing a section.
If you have any problems using the shelving calculator, need a custom quote for a multi-store rollout, or would like our help creating a unique configuration to meet specific needs; call us at 800-576-7577 or email us at and we'll be happy to help -- your professional fixture team is standing by!
Make your gondola shelving configuration selections below...
93 products match your search criteria.
Keep refining your search to list matching products.
An "Add To Cart" button will appear when your selections can be combined to produce at least one complete run of gondola shelves.